U10 Joe Indovina 647-244-2685
U13 A (2013)  
U13 A Nick Carvalho 416-889-1385
U14 A (2012)  
U14 A Matt Mammoliti 647-970-9223
U15 A (2011)  
U15 A Robert Day 416-301-0074
U16 A (2010)  
U16 A Mark Kaczmarczyk 416-567-5382
U17 A (2009)  
U17 A Bill Pimentel 647-220-3354
U17 A Kevin Green 647-701-1359
U18 A (2008)  
U18 A Peter Taylor 416-271-6457


U13A – Head Coach: Nick Carvalho


Coaching Philosophy:
In order to maintain a solid foundation for any team all participants must be on the same page when it comes to philosophy. The coaching staff are committed to:
• Develop individual and team hockey skills.
• Teach good sportsmanship and respect for all.
• Foster an environment for building self-confidence.
• Encourage development of qualities such as loyalty, cooperation, teamwork, discipline, honesty, and pride.

The coaching staff will support and expect all players to give their best effort in every practice and every game. We are committed to delivering a fun and competitive program that encourages individual and team development. Our objective is to compete at a high level in every practice and game while also focusing on building confidence, strengthening skill and learning valuable life skills. Focus, effort, positive attitude, good sportsmanship and a desire to compete are essential ingredients to our success.

Player Expectations:
– All players are expected to give 100% focus and 100% effort.
– This is a TEAM first and foremost. We have each other’s best interest and want to win together. We support each other and raise each other up.
– Respect for yourself, your teammates, your coaches, your opponents and officials are the key to success.

Time & Travel Commitment:
– This team plays as part of the GTHL West loop and games are expected to take place in any of the GTA West arenas.
– 2 games per week, 1 away game and 1 home game. Home days and location to be determined (2024-25 season – Chic Murray Arena Saturday evenings around 5pm)
– 2 x 90 minute practices per week at a City Of Mississauga rink
– Preseason training including on ice and dry land to take place after tryouts in May through September
– Season games start in early-mid October
– 3-4 Tournaments including away (must be able to travel to the US)
– Players are to arrive 1 hour before games and 30 minutes before practices

Financial Commitment:
– 2024-2025 season cost per player $3900 (includes MHL and GTHL player fee). Confirmation on MHL and GTHL player fee will determine final cost for the upcoming 2025-2026 season.
– Hotel and travel costs are not included in team budget
– Participation in all fundraising efforts is required
– Options available for sponsorship


U16A Head Coach:  Mark Kaczmarczyk


7+ years experience coaching U9-16, Blue, White, A

Coaching Philosophy:

  • Work ethic, self discipline, attitude and team play are core values
  • Commitment is CRITICAL – attendance at games and practices a must
  • Ice time – lines and defense pairings will be formed and rolled over. Roughly 45 second shifts, with some latitude with respect to different strategies such as special teams and closing stages of games to provide the team with the best chance of success

Time Commitment:

  • – 2 hour practice Friday night
  • – 5 hour practice Sunday mid-day
  • 2 MHL games per week
  • 4 or 5 tournaments – potentially 2 will be travel
  • Expectation to arrive 60 minutes before games to allow for a warm up
  • Some dryland training and ice time to be conducted throughout the summer estimated at 2 weeknights per week

Team Focus:

  • Team play and sportsmanship, accountability and respect for teammates, coaches/parents and opponents
  • Fostering a sense of belonging where every player feels valued
  • Controlled aggression – win the battles but stay out of the penalty box

Pricing and Costs:

– Team fee: Approximately $4,000 – covers Heartland registration, 3.5 hours of practice ice per week, tournament entry fees, dryland training

-hotel and other travel costs for tournaments are separate

– power-skating and goaltending instruction are considered included in the above, but to the extent they are considered not necessary, could reduce the team fees

– Cost based on having $2,500 of sponsorship funds), and carrying a roster of 17 (9 forwards, 6 defence and 2 goalkeepers)


U18A – Head Coach: Peter Taylor

– 10 + years experience coaching/managing U5-U16, MHL

– 35+ years working experience in the Consumer Goods Business.

– Resident of Mississauga for the last 25 years.

– Have a son on the team, Mitchell Taylor.

Coaching Philosophy:

– Fun and Commitment.  Attendance and communication around attendance a must.  We want time with the team to be a highlight of the week for players, coaches and parents.

– Equitable Ice Time – lines be formed, changed and rolled over.

– Teamwork over Individual Glory

Goal for Heartland U18A:

-The camaraderie on the team will bring the best out of the kids on the rink and more importantly at school before many of them embark into their post high school ambitions.

Time Commitment:

Ideally BiWeekly Practices for 2 hours on Sunday afternoons.

2 Weekly Games (Monday and Wednesday)

2-3 tournaments – (One will be a travel tournament)

Arrival 30 minutes before games

Pricing and Costs:

-Heartland Registration fee (approx. $1200)
-Team fee: Approximately $1500 – covers tournament fees, extra ice, team parties, misc team costs

Contact Information:

Peter Taylor
