What a hockey season! The pandemic has forced several changes to behaviour and routine, some for the better. Families spent more time together and people slowed down. Working remotely has become the reality for many people, and advancements such as Zoom have proven to be game-changers. If something good is to come out of this pandemic hockey-wise, it was that we as an organization survived due to the overwhelming dedication of our Coaches and Volunteers.
Our outstanding group of Coaches and Volunteers continued to develop our Players against imposing odds, adapting quickly and effectively to the constantly changing environment. There were some bumps along the road, but you, our players shone the brightest! No matter what COVID threw your way, you remained positive, smiling at every turn. Often playing to few or no fans, but for the thrill of the game. Your diligent work and commitment paid off as evidenced with your Division Championship success.
Congratulations are in order and calls for celebration can be heard far and wide. Each team has shown the true signs of resolve, determination and sportsmanship. Whether you have won in the past, achieved success this year or for those that have dreamt of winning. Keep up your positive spirit and enjoy your successes and we will see you all again next year!
Again our heartiest congratulations to all!