I wanted to update all of our house leagues and clubs that there have been no changes to the GTHL Game Plan 2.0 regarding the mandates for wearing masks and active screening.
Masking remains mandatory for dressing rooms and coaches are still required to wear them during games. Timekeepers and rink attendants are still required to wears masks when performing their job duties. Referees will still be required to wear masks in the their dressing room.
The requirement for “active screening” meaning the process has to be completed by each player and team official remains in place. GTHL personnel working as referees, timekeepers and rink attendants are still required to complete their “active screening”.
The following change was sent to our competitive clubs on March 18th and changed the requirement for postponements. This is the only change that has been made to the GTHL Plan 2.0.
The Toronto Public Health Screening Tool has been updated in the Game Plan 2.0.
The GTHL is now following the updated Toronto Public Health close contact/isolation protocols. In the latest update, if someone is notified as a close contact of a positive case, regardless of age or vaccination status, if no symptoms, they do not need to self isolate. They should:
– Monitor for symptoms for 10 days and self-isolate immediately if symptoms develop
– Wear a mask in public places, including while exercising (which includes playing hockey), and do not visit people or settings at higher risk for 10 days from last exposure
– If exempt from masking (e.g. under the age of 2 yrs) may return to public settings without masking
Therefore, the GTHL will no longer be postponing games in any age group. Since there are no requirements for isolation of close contacts outside the household, organizations no longer have to report positive cases to the GTHL office.
If a team is notified as a close contact, they should be following the above Toronto Public Health guidelines above; this includes wearing a mask while playing within the 10 day period if notified as a close contact.