Oct 13, 2020 | MHL News
As you are likely aware, on October 3 the GTHL decided to suspend all on and off ice activities for hockey leagues under their
jurisdiction, including the Mississauga Hockey League and our six Member Associations. The earliest activities will be allowed to resume is Jan 1, 2021. This decision was made to ensure the safety of the players, volunteers and officials in the GTHL as well as their families. We are all disappointed by the impact this will have on our Mississauga Hockey League players who were excited about getting back on the ice.
Unfortunately, this delay, combined with the continuing increase in COVID-19 case counts and recent decisions by
the Province leave the MHL in a very uncertain position. First and foremost, we have to consider the health and
safety of everyone involved in our league as the pandemic continues. We are also unable to make any plans or
commitments for what the season may look like let alone all the ice contracts, uniforms and equipment that must be
organized to run our league. No one can accurately predict what the weeks ahead hold in store.
The Board of Directors of the MHL along with the Boards of our six Member Associations have had to make the
difficult decision to suspend standard league operations for the entire 2020/2021 MHL hockey season. The health
risks and financial risks of trying to run the league in a fashion that would be satisfactory to all of our participants is
simply too high in these highly uncertain times. This decision was not made without considerable debate and discussion.
Should hockey be allowed to resume in the New Year, the MHL is prepared to explore some form of modified
hockey programming to give our players a chance to get on the ice and enjoy the game we all love. We do not
know what that may look like at this time. We must wait to hear from the health authorities, the City of Mississauga
and our governing body, the GTHL, before we can develop any ideas of what this may look like.
On behalf of the Boards of all of our organizations we want to thank you for your patience and understanding.
These are extremely difficult days for everyone. Please stay healthy and safe and hopefully we will be able to bring
forward some good news for hockey in 2021.